The ANJELMS Project

18th Aug: Movie Screening and Q&A with Anshu Arora

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18th Aug - Sunday

Movie screening “Porgai: A film on the revival of Lambadi Art“

Q&A with Anshu Arora, design and curatorial consultant for craft-based organisations.

2-4 pm: “Responsible Co-Creation: the standards and power of collaboration”

We welcome Anshu Aurora for a discussion on co creation and collaboration with indigenous communities


Anshu Arora is a multidisciplinary design practitioner. She moonlights between  fashion, space design and crafts .


She has worked with artisan groups  and organisations filling design gaps based on their ask. Some of these are commissioned projects, others have become mutually enriching  relationships. All of them inform her process and Practice

For Anshu design is a an act of finding solutions together. She believes that  empathetic design can contribute to creating new ways of seeing the familiar.

Working closely with artisans, understanding  techniques, artisanal production systems, their limitations, strengths and collaboratively finding solutions is deeply satisfying for Anshu.

The act of re-presenting this vast and endless body of work is critical to building true appreciation towards the  poetics that inform the processes  and products, together with stories of people who make them.





- Chai and Sweets will be provided